Our Giving Circle


What is the Mirror Image Arts Giving Circle? It is a group of youth advocates eager to disrupt the school-to-prison pipeline through the power of collective giving. Join our unique giving collective by participating in one of the ways listed below.

Circles are not merely geometrical shapes. They are what makes life possible. The sun and the moon are circles and move in cycles. Time occurs in cycles. Seasons occur in cycles. At Mirror Image Arts, our Giving Circle sustains the cycles of life and seasons we experience as an organization and represent unity, infinity, and protection.

UNITY: Through our Giving Circle, we come together, forming a circle of generosity. This way, everybody is visible to everybody else, and no one is more important than the other. We can give openly and create a sense of belonging to each other and our movement.

INFINITY: Our giving circle represents infinity because together, our generosity has no end. It symbolizes and reminds us that our resources as a community are far greater than ours as an individual.

PROTECTION: Our giving circle is a symbol of protection. We protect the vital work of Mirror Image Arts. We give within a circle, putting the needs of the young people Mirror Image Arts serves in the center of that circle.


Join our Giving Circle with a recurring gift that will make an impact month after month. Your monthly investment makes it possible for Mirror Image Arts to experience budget security. Through your investment, young people RECLAIM for themselves the rights, opportunities, privileges, and possibilities that others have denied them.

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Did you know that the value of one hour of volunteer service in the state of Colorado is $31.51 an hour. An investment of time can save our organization thousands of dollars of expenses. Fill out the form below, to make and investment of time today.

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Become part of our Giving Circle with a one-time gift of any amount that holds meaning for you. Your investment will help young people RECLAIM for themselves the rights, opportunities, privileges, and possibilities denied them by others.

Checks can be mailed to: Mirror Image Arts | 6470 Carr St. Arvada, CO 8000

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King Soopers Rewards Program

Did you know every time you shop at King Soopers, you can raise money for Mirror Image Arts? Simply join the King Soopers Community Reward program and select Mirror Image Arts.

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Every day more than 45 million people give birthday wishes on Facebook. Take the opportunity to create a fundraiser for your birthday this year and make it even more meaningful.

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Planned Giving

Planned giving is also referred to as gift planning* or legacy giving. It enables individuals to make more significant gifts to charitable organizations than they could make from ordinary income. Consider including Mirror Image Arts in your will, or explore other options for planned giving.