We are disrupting the pipeline to prison through Restorative Theatre.

Prevention: It Starts with Us

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Intervention: Your Voice

Reintegration: Brighter Future

MIA is committed to positively impacting young people and youth serving adults by offering them courageous, authentic, honest, and empowering spaces. We believe this is possible by utilizing Restorative Theatre to REFLECT, RECLAIM and REHEARSE for REALITIES for their past, present and future.

Restorative Theatre offers a space where participants' social-emotional growth is activated through creativity, imagination, problem-solving, and play. Youth have the ability to change their thoughts, feelings, behaviors and perceptions with every experience they encounter. We co-create moments where individuals and communities can process the challenges they experience, work towards possible shared solutions, explore who they are and who they want to become.

Our facilitators are skilled theatre makers, first aid mental health youth certified, with ongoing training in relevant evidence-based practices. We incorporate the Readiness Competencies as described by the Colorado Department of Education.

  • It Starts With Us is focused on promoting prevention through professional learning for adults serving youth. Through consultation and theatre-based curriculum we provide professional development.

    Our Early Literacy with Mo emphasizes the critical role of early literacy in shaping a positive educational trajectory. This program is dedicated to fostering a love of reading among youth, using Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) as a valuable tool to enhance early literacy lessons. Our goal is to empower students not only with essential reading skills but also with emotional resilience and interpersonal abilities.

    • Professional Learning for adults who work with youth.

    • Restorative Theatre Certification

    • Early Literacy with Mia (Kindergarten-1st grade)

  • Creating spaces of restoration in Detention Centers, Facility Schools, Alternative Schools, and Diversion Programs.

    Your Voice is centered on intervention by providing direct services to youth. Through Your Voice we focus on creating spaces for healing and enabling infinite possibilities, ultimately fostering spaces for restoration. Your Voice utilizes Restorative Theatre™ (RT) to help youth create theatre that helps them process the trauma, habits, and choices they currently embody. Through a deeper sense of self with newfound language, youth can strengthen self-agency, problem-solving, and decision-making.

    • My Curious Courage (2nd/3rd grades)

    • You, Me, WE (4th grade)

    • Finding Your Voice (5th grade)

    • Shaping Your Voice (6th-8th grades)

    • Your Voice Matters (9th-12th grades)

    • Your Story, Your Power (Diversion)

    • Access to Your Voice Curriculum

  • Creating communities of transformation.

    Our Brighter Future program is focused on reintegration for youth who have been involved with the legal system. Through our Brighter Future Center (opening July of 2024), we offer wraparound services, apprenticeship opportunities, community gatherings for families of impacted youth, and advocacy. Restorative Theatre™ remains a crucial aspect of this program, interweaving theatre with individual and community healing.

    • MIA Pre-apprentice/Apprenticeship Program

    • Wraparound Services for previously incarcerated youth

    • Healing circles* for guardians, siblings and previously incarcerated youth

    • Legislation/Policy Work

We use Restorative Theatre to reach the following goals:

  • Provide youth a safe, caring relationship with a trusted adult.

  • Co-create spaces of belonging where youth AND youth-serving adults can build self-awareness, connection and empathy.

  • Offer youth-supported spaces where they can process their emotions, practice bold decision-making, and reflect on the results of their choices.

  • Role model for youth how resilience can be expressed so they can navigate difficult social situations and come back stronger.

  • Assist schools and youth detention centers in their move from punitive disciplinary practices toward positive youth development and healing-centered engagement.

  • We create impact and collective liberation through three areas of approach: Prevention, Intervention, and Reintegration.

Are you interested in finding out more about our programs? Reach out to us at info@mirrorimagearts.org